What to Expect

Weekly Services

Sunday - 9:30 AM in- person WORSHIP - Livestream link on current sunday at ~9:20 am

We look forward to meeting you!

Welcome to Plymouth Presbyterian Church. We’ve put together information to anticipate and briefly answer some of the questions you may have prior to visiting.

Friendly & Open

Everyone is welcome! We invite you to consider being a part of our church family! Children are welcome in worship. If you wish, we have an area in the sanctuary set up for children or there is a nursery where you can take your child.


We meet in the sanctuary for worship and each service is live-streamed and recorded for those who wish to view them on-line. We continue fellowship after service with coffee and treats and you are welcome to join us.

Biblical Teaching

The worship service is a time for us to come together as a community to learn, be encouraged and to be challenged. Other opportunities exist beyond the Sunday worship service to participate in Bible study, mission service, and fellowship.  We learn to grow, and become part of the church family that lives out their faith together.